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Suburbs: A Very Short Introduction

Engels | 23-02-2023 | 160 pagina's


Paperback / softback

€ 11,95



Tekst achterflap

Social scientists argue whether contemporary suburbsare losing their luster or if a supposed back-to-the-city trend is a mirage-a debate that has been exacerbated by uncertainty over the effects of COVID-19. Suburbs: A Very Short Introduction tackles two central questions: What is the history behind a suburbanizing world? What does the suburban trend mean for society, politics, and culture? Two chapters describe the ways that the new technologies of streetcars, trains, automobiles, and internet have allowed the compact cities of Britain and the United States to grow into sprawling metropolitan regions. The following chapters explore the vertical suburbs of Europe and East Asia, improvisedor do-it-yourself suburbs in both North America Latin America, and suburbs as places of employment.


EAN :9780197599242
Uitgever :Van Ditmar Boekenimport B.V.
Publicatie datum :  23-02-2023
Uitvoering :Paperback / softback
common.Language :Engels
Status : Bestelbaar
Aantal pagina's :160