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Nuclear Physics: A Very Short Introduction

Engels | 01-01-2015 | 144 pagina's


Paperback / softback

€ 11,95



Tekst achterflap

In this Very Short Introduction Frank Close describes the historical development of nuclear physics, our understanding of the nucleus, how nuclei form, and the applications of the field in medicine. Exploring key concepts, Frank Close shows how nuclear physics brings the physics of the stars to Earth.


EAN :9780198718635
Uitgever :Van Ditmar Boekenimport B.V.
Publicatie datum :  01-01-2015
Uitvoering :Paperback / softback
common.Language :Engels
Hoogte :174 mm
Breedte :111 mm
Dikte :12 mm
Gewicht :105 gr
Status : Bestelbaar
Aantal pagina's :144