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The Holy Roman Empire: A Very Short Introduction

Engels | 01-01-2018 | 176 pagina's


Paperback / softback

€ 11,95



Tekst achterflap

This Very Short Introduction explores the thousand-year history of the Holy Roman Empire, from its origins in 800 as Charlemagne's Frankish kingdom, to its destruction by Napoleon. Throughout, Joachim Whaley analyses the empire's crucial impact and role in the history of European power and politics.


EAN :9780198748762
Uitgever :Van Ditmar Boekenimport B.V.
Publicatie datum :  01-01-2018
Uitvoering :Paperback / softback
common.Language :Engels
Hoogte :174 mm
Breedte :111 mm
Dikte :12 mm
Gewicht :105 gr
Status : Bestelbaar
Aantal pagina's :176