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A Stranger in Your Own City

Engels | 13-06-2024 | 480 pagina's


Paperback / softback

€ 15,95


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From Orwell Prize winning journalist Ghaith Abdul-Ahad comes a searing and nuanced biography of a lost IraqThis is the story of a people who once lived under the rule of a megalomaniac leader who shaped the state in his own image. Then one day, after yet another war, a foreign army invaded, toppled the leader, destroyed the state, and proceeded to invent a new country. This is the story of a people who watched with horror as their world fragmented into a hundred different cities, as walls rose between them and bodies piled in the streets.

From the American invasion to the Arab Spring, ISIS and beyond, A Stranger in Your Own City offers a remarkable de-centring of the West in the history and contemporary situation of the region. What comes to the fore is the effect on the ground: the human cost, the shifting allegiances, the generational change.


EAN :9781529157178
Uitgever :Van Ditmar Boekenimport B.V.
Publicatie datum :  13-06-2024
Uitvoering :Paperback / softback
Taal/Talen : Engels
Status :Te bestellen
Aantal pagina's :480