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My Monticello

Johnson, Jocelyn Nicole

Engels | 04-11-2021 | 192 pagina's



€ 16,95



Tekst achterflap


At a time of rolling blackouts and terrible storms battering America, the neighbourhood of First Street, Charlottesville comes under attack by violent white supremacists. A group of friends, families and strangers flee together in an abandoned bus and head for the hills above town. Led by Da'Naisha Love, they arrive at Monticello, the historic plantation-home of Thomas Jefferson, deserted but for its ghosts.

As a young Black descendant of Jefferson and Sally Hemings, Da'Naisha has a complex relationship with the house. Tentative at first, the group explores rooms, forages on the grounds, and finds a kind of shelter. But the terror from their town is coming closer, and soon they have an impossible decision to make.

My Monticello is the story of nineteen heart-stopping days of refuge and reclamation, told by Da'Naisha with courage and with grace. This deeply moving novel is a searing indictment of racism past and present, and a powerful vision of resistance, community and hope.


EAN :9781787303027
Uitgever :Van Ditmar Boekenimport B.V.
Publicatie datum :  04-11-2021
Uitvoering :Hardback
Taal/Talen : Engels
Status : Bestelbaar
Aantal pagina's :192